The basic elements of fairness, embodied in the concept of due process, are assurances that the individual will receive adequate notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard before an official tribunal makes a decision that may substantially affect her interests. 包含在正当程序概念里的公正性这一基本要素是,确保个人在法院做出会严重影响其利益的裁决之前,能够收到适当的通知并有得到审理的机会。
The debate over the wolves 'influence on the elk is fanning a long-standing argument over the proper way to manage Yellowstone's elk. Thus, adequate notice of the other side's contentions is an essential prerequisite to fair and effective adjudication. 黄石公园麋鹿管理之道的争议由来已久,而灰狼效应又为这项问题煽风点火。所以,充分的通知对立方的争论点是公正和有效裁断的不可或缺的前提。
The Contractor shall give adequate written notice to the company of any requests for information or detailed drawings. 若需要资料或详细图纸,承包商应书面通知业主。
If I have adequate notice, I can arrange to be available for travel at almost any time of the year. 如果有提前通知,我可以在任何需要的时候出差。就目前而言,我通常是每月出差一次。
In the right to have sufficient time and facilities to prepare his defence, adequate time may be in accordance with the specific circumstances of each case, the meaning of adequate facilities is very broad, including access to files and trial notice etc.. 在有充分的时间和便利准备辩护的权利中,充分的时间根据每个案件的具体情况而定,充分的便利的含义非常广泛,包括查阅案卷、获得开庭通知等。